It's all been a bit slack in our house, cos we've moved to a new house. Well, Mum & Dad moved, and I just complained loudly about it.
I wasn't very happy for the first few days, well, the first 2 weeks. They kept me inside because Mum said I was a bit dim and would get lost. In the end I howled so much and made that much fuss that she let me out a couple of days early. I should mention that we have quite a busy road at the end of the garden (it's not quite as bad as it sounds), so Mum was worried about the traffic. But I'm not a silly kitty and I know cars is bad, and of course I knows where I lives.
Finally, they found all my stuff, although Mum keeps moving the food bowl, and I was really pleased when the found my scratch post!! So I've made myself at home.
Best news is I've got a new big garden to explore, with lots of birds and stuff at the bottom. Can you see me?

There's a hole in the fence behind that big tree. Mum doesn't like me disappearing through the hole, so I only go through when I know she's not looking.

I know you're out there birdy!!