Sunday, 30 May 2010

Happy Cat Award

The lovely kitty Lola Fannola over at The Paw Relations very kindly gave me this Happy Cat Award.


And quite rightly cos I am a Happy Cat.  Now, I have to tell you 5 things that I like, and then pass the award along to some of my friends.  So, I like

1.  Sleeping.  Sleeping anywhere.  On the bed, on the sofa, on the floor.  Anywhere.

2.  Cuddling up in bed at night with my Mum.

3.  Guarding the garden from Introoders

4.  Yoghurt - yes, I know, but I like it, OK?

5.  My pile of catnip mousies.

6.  All my kitty blogging friends.

I know that's 6 things, but I got carried away.  I hereby pass this award along to the following kitty bloggers.

1.  Rumblebum

2.  Poppy Q

3.  Huffle Mawson

4.  Cat Mandu

5.  Ginger Jasper

Of course, no-one has to play if they don't want to.

I'm a big fat ginger happy cat.


  1. Concats on your award. We like all those things too except the yoghurt.

  2. ConCats on your award! We like yogurt too, and sour cream, and milk...isn't dairy wonderful?
    Happy Sunday!

  3. Congrats on your happy award, Puss!! Yogurt is good! Kinda like ice cream...

  4. Congratulations on your award. We hope we get the opportunity to try yoghurt some time.

  5. Congrats on the award! I love yogurt .. a lot! Mommy won't give me the whole tub though, only a few licks. Wait, one day I am going to learn how to open the fridge and then .. hehehehe ....


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